Monday, May 14, 2012

Sunday report

How shall I put this, backers?  We are now 0/2.  Made it to dinner break in today's $355, then played for an hour or so past that, when soon thereafter my "tens" ran into someone's usually impenetrable brick wall known as "Aces," at which time the balance of my chips hit the "zero mark."  60 people away from the money.  Not even nearly close enough.  345 people or so started this one.  It happens. Three shots left to get you...something.  Something above what you've invested.  So far each shareholder is now $7 in the hole!  Oh the high drama!!!! ;)

May not play tomorrow unless I can get this hotel situation squared away nicely.  If I am to once again begin lining up those damn dominoes again at noon, starting all over again from "domino one" and hope I can line them all up and keep them growing until 2am without any major domino destruction train, I want to make sure I'm doing it on a good night of rest.  Maybe a house of cards would have been a better analogy here.  I don't know.  Nah.  Too un-clever.  Anyway, it's late.  Do feel like I'm playing better every day.  Truly razor sharp at some moments.  Let's see if that can start counting for something sometime soon.

But yeah, I need a room down there in NOLA.  This drive back to Biloxi isn't that far, but, then again, it's still three hours a day, and it eats up poker reading time -- keeping my brain just right.  Sorry, roommate.  You'll have to enjoy stately Landry Manor all to yourself this week...again.

Besides all that, I've been harvesting many ridiculous stories to be properly blogged once it's time for all that.  Much entertainment on the way.  But for now, sleep, wake up, read poker, play poker.


I'll keep updates coming.  If you see me giving updates on FB tomorrow, then yes, that is your money in play.


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